Author guidelines

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  1. The text should be edited in a Microsoft Office Word format.
  2. The papers must be written in English.
  3. Article size: 3.500-5.000 words, including tables, references, footnote (between 5 and 15 pages).
  4. Title of the article: Heading 1, Times New Roman, 14 pts., center, uppercase, bold.
  5. Author name: right after the title of the article, Times New Roman, 11 pts., justified, italic (on the footnote: institutional affiliation, e-mail address).
  6. Abstract: the paper should have an abstract of 200-250 words, Times New Roman, 10 pts., justified, spacing between lines – 1 row, italic + 3-5 keywords.
  7. The material must be structured by chapters and sub-chapters. The titles should be Times New Roman, centred.
  8. Text of article/review, etc.: Times New Roman, 11, justified, spacing between lines – 1,15 row.
  9. Quotes: should be enclosed in quotation marks, Times New Roman, 10, justified, spacing between lines – 1. The full source of the citation will be given in the footnote. Very important: in the footnote, the quotation should be given in the original language of it (except for books/articles in English), followed by the source.
  10. References: will be inserted only in footnotes, not in the text. Footnotes should be written in Times New Roman, 10, justified, spacing between lines – 1.
  11. References are required: should be ordered alphabetically (first name followed by surname of the author), Times New Roman, 11 pts., justified, spacing between lines – 1,15 row. (ex.: Popescu Maria, Istoria sociologiei [The history of sociology], Bucharest, Antet Publishing House, 2001).
  12. Some examples of citations in footnotes:
  • For books: Author’s last name followed by the first name, Book title, City, Publishing House, Year, p. 1/pp. 1-2. – Petre Comarnescu, Istoria românilor [History of Romanians], Bucharest, Eminescu Publishing House, 1985, pp. 212-213.
  • For editors of books: Dan Culcer, “Creția Petru” [“Petru Cretia”], in Dicționarul scriitorilor români [The Dictionary of Romanian Writers], Maria Zaciu (coord.), Bucharest, Romanian Cultural Foundation Publishing House, 1995, p. 715.
  • For articles in a journal: George Barițiu, “Scriitori clasici” [“Classical writers”], in Journal Foaie pentru minte, inimă și literatură [Paper for mind, heart and literature], Brasov, Year I, no. 16/1838, pp. 123-170.
  • For electronic sources: Dan Popescu, “Istoria sociologiei” [“The history of sociology”], in Mediafax, February 2, 2022, Available at: link, Accessed on February 22, 2021.

13. Other information regarding the citations:

Differences between footnote and bibliography:

  • For the footnotes: we will first write the surname, then the author’s name, and page numbers must be indicated.
  • For the bibliography: we will first write the name, then the surname of the author, and the indication of pages is required only for articles published in journals or chapters in books.


  • Titles of books, articles, etc. should be written first in the original language and then translated into English and placed in square brackets (ex: Alin Popescu, Introducere în sociologie [Introduction in sociology] …).
  • For books: title is in italics Alin Popescu, Introducere în sociologie [Introduction in sociology] …
  • For chapters in books: chapter title in quotation marks and book title in italics (ex: Alin Popescu, “Sociologia. Definiții și teorii” [“Sociology. Definitions and theories”] … in Alin Popescu, Introducere în sociologie [Introduction in sociology] …).
  • Articles (in journals or online): title in quotation marks “Sociologia. Definiții și teorii” [“Sociology. Definitions and theories”] …

op. cit.: is used to quote a single paper of an author; first enter the complete source, and then use op. cit. plus the page/pages; is used if other sources of the others authors have been inserted before this reference.

Idem/Eadem: is used if the author is the same as in the previous note, but is cited with another work; Idem/Eadem replace only the author’s name.

Ibid.: is used when there are consecutive references to the same author and the same work: Ibid., p/pp.

In Romanian the quotation marks are: „ …” (These will be used in the footnotes when the quotations are in Romanian). If we have quotation marks within quotation marks, we will proceed as follows: „« … »”.

In English the quotation marks are: “…”. If we have quotation marks in quotation marks, we proceed as follows: “this is our ‘house’ for today”.


If we have two authors: Ion Popescu and Maria Ionescu, Title, ….

If we have three or more authors: Ion Popescu et al., Title, ….

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